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 13/06/2006 Update, hurray

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 323
Age : 34
Nom De Votre perso : Stelker-FR
Lvl : 999
job : Stalker
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2006

13/06/2006 Update, hurray Empty
MessageSujet: 13/06/2006 Update, hurray   13/06/2006 Update, hurray EmptyJeu 10 Aoû - 12:36

Citation :
* Common Patches *

None Seperate.

* Normal Servers *

- To commemorate the World Cup 2006 starting, all normal servers (Sakray excluded) will now have x1.5 EXP.

* Sakray Server *

- Added capital city of Arunafeltz, "Rahell". It will include related fields, town, a cathedral, and the ice cave dungeon.

- Added 22 new monsters with inclusion of "Rahell". Some of the monsters have temporary sprites as they are not yet ready.

- Added the airship route for Izlude -> Juno -> Rahell.

- Added 9 new helm items. For testing purposes, they will be sold temporarily by Prontera NPC.

- Item "Needle" (Ice Pick) with one card socket in it will have its ATK reduced to 70 from 80.

- Item "Bloodied Iron Ball + Iron Shackle" set option will have its ATK bonus reduced to 50 from 100.

- Item "Stone Buckler"'s option has changed:

[DEF 4 -> 3]

[Non-elemental damage reduced by 5% -> large monster's damage reduced by 5%]

[When Swordsman-type class uses set that includes Stone Buckler, DEF + 5 bonus -> DEF + 6 instead]

- Item "Frika Circlet, Valkyria Shield, Odin's Blessing" set item's option has changed:

[MDEF + 25 -> MDEF + 5]

[Frika Circlet and Valkyria Shield gets bonus MDEF instead of DEF depending on their refinement rate]

- Fixed switched item description for "Red Novus 13/06/2006 Update, hurray 4001" and "Yellow Novus 13/06/2006 Update, hurray 4001".

Unofficial Info:

- 9 new headgears
13/06/2006 Update, hurray Newhead4jw

- 13 new mobs
13/06/2006 Update, hurray Newmob1wd

- 9 new items
13/06/2006 Update, hurray Newitem7jq

- 2 strange sprites found in the mob sprite folder
13/06/2006 Update, hurray Ball4pe

- Changes/fixes fo the following maps:

- ra_fild09
- ra_fild12
- ra_in01
- ra_san02
- ra_san04
- ra_temsky
- rachel

- New BMPs for the following maps:

- lhz_fild01
- ra_fild09
- ra_san03
- ra_san04

back with some news and yes the first hat on 2nd line is a valk helm haha
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13/06/2006 Update, hurray
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